Compared with the original spellforce 2 the story is lackluster and the graphics extremely glitchy at times.

User Rating: 6 | SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm PC
The Good: Its a spellforce game, Its expansion to a wonderful spellforce game

The Bad: The story is left wanting in quite an apparent fashion, no real mention of the events of the previous game or any continuation of unfinished stories

This is another one of those games that you look forward to for ages, think its going to be awesome especially considering that the original was one of the best RTS games i've ever had the pleasure to play, it was challenging it had RPG aspects and it had an engaging storyline with interesting characters. This expansion on the other hand seems to of just been throw together from the stories I imagine was left on the cutting room floor from the original game.

It doesnt take you in the story, it doesnt make you want to stay up the little bit longer just so you can find out whats going to happen next or give you that drive to complete those little objectives you set yourself like in say the age of kings or rome total war.

The graphics were strangely glitchy in places especially in cutscenes characters appearing inside each other and such. It was rather strange considering that the original game had only mild issues with that sort of thing at the absolute worst of times.

The gameplay is quite good if not quite as good as the original the new factions each have their share of cool units to unleash on your enemies but I still found them lacking compared with the elves or the dwarves of the original game.

Overall I found it disappointing probably because I had such high hopes for this expansion considering its predecessor. If you want an RTS with a bit of RPG that isnt terribly story heavy and is just good old fashion build up a massive army and waste everyone fun, then this is one for you. Its differences compared with the likes of other RTS games with its range of flying units, titans and individual units specefic to the different races then this game might just keep you playing till the end but it can definetly wait till it hits the bargain bin, its not terrible but its not great either. With the likes of C&C Tiberium Wars and Age of Empires 3 out there on the market.