ahhh...those were the days! pure nostalgia:(

User Rating: 9 | Super Aleste SNES
one of the first games i ever played.great memories.
i don't know about the name space megaforce,i just know it as super aleste.
it's a vertical-scrolling shooter,very popular in 1992 in japan...
this game is known by few people,i don't know the reason...anyway,it's a pure video-game,all of them must be in this way.this is way we love video-games the best,because games like super aleste.it's everything a gamer dreamed of(maybe).
there are 12 levels,with impressive graphics for that time & maybe still today.it's non-stop action,you don't even have time to breath...thats how fast it is.you just simply hold the action button continuously,moving in any 2d direction.the music is pure awesome,maybe the most catchy music from snes.you just simply want to get up & dance,when you hear that music.the controls are smooth,flawless.
i wish those times would have never ended...
the game speed is really fast proving that the "blast processing" of the genesis was pure marketing hype!