30 years later and it's still an all time favourite in Gaming History.

User Rating: 8 | Space Invaders Extreme PSP
30 years from Space Invaders is still one of the greatest games in history over years most people will be playing it on what ever system it's on or telling there grandchildren about back in there days about video gaming. With the newest version based on the 30th anniversary Square Enix and Taito Corporation have made this title for DS and PSP with some new features and great music.

Gameplay= Still the same as you remeber back in the late 70's where you had PONG and Star War Episode 4 that got everyone's attenion, so you should know the controls strieght away either your an old timer gamer, retero fan or a new gamer who's looking for a handheld game to play. But the new version has some new features if you have play REZ where you have to shoot the notes to make a tune but if you shoot enimie ships they'll play a note following to that level where you can get a beat or rythem to the game. There are also power ups where yur ship can fire a lazer beam or bombs or shiled.If you hit UFO's you can earn more points to your total score or if you shoot a certain UFO you are caled to do a challenge where you'll have to do somthing like shoot 30 ships in 40 seconds or somthing. Or hit a coloured UFO and you'll get a reward like bonus points or lives.

Graphics and Sound= Still the same as you remeber but slightly brighter and clearer in the background of the level you'll see a background theme following to the music in the game like you would see if you played a CD on your console or PC and it will show you a random coloured display screen. Sounding has changed from the old games you only hear the old music at the main menu but during gameplay the sound and music is great to listen too if you keep fireing at enimie ships.With the new and improved graphics there not bad for a handheld game.

Overall= With alot of new features including some tough bosses and enimie ships it can get crazy but also you can choose what difficultly you would want to play it on Arcade mode to easy or extreme mode. For most gamers will happily enjoy playing the remakes of Space Invaders and quite Square Enix and Taito have done a good job on it. There is also multiplayer where you can battle a friend who have either or have not got a copy of Space Invaders where you can host a match and during multiplayer you just trying to get a high score in order to win against your friends. It may be around £20-$20 for a remake of this game odds are you'll probably find this game for under a tenner if your luckly, but don't be afarid to check this game its a legend.