Soulcaliber 4 is a well rounded game

User Rating: 9 | SoulCalibur IV X360
Soulcaliber 4 is my first soulcaliber game, so I'm not sure of what the game's history is. When I picked up this game, I have to say it was one of the best fighting games I've played, the loading's not as long as other games (*cough* tekken 6) The controls were tight, graphics were amazing, Computer AI had a good array of skill levels, and the characters felt real because each one had their own story.

Story mode was great, you get to choose what character you wanted to play and you'll follow through on his individual story, starting with an introduction of the character and his or her motives, and ending with.. well I don't want to spoil anything here ;P

I have only a few things to pick on for this game, and it's something you find commonly among fighting games. First off, fighting online was a drag, It was hella laggy, and a lot of the time my opponent quit if he or she was losing by 2. Second, there were a lot of interesting characters but a lot of them weren't balanced. Characters like siegfried, mitsurugi, and nightmare were definitely balanced to name a few. Characters like taki, maxi, and yoda (yes yoda) were so off balanced, It's a nightmare fighting them.

Overall this was a really, really fun game, it would be fun for beginners and experts alike, as you can play this game by mashing buttons and still get nice moves out :D