Swords, finishing moves, new characters, and bigger...well...Ivy is still in the game. Think about it...

User Rating: 7.5 | SoulCalibur IV X360
I bought "Soul Calibur IV" because, not only did it LOOK fun, but I hadn't played since "Soul Calibur II" days. I am now VERY happy to have bought it!

The game stays true to it's roots - a great fighting game with plenty to keep you occupied. Only now, they expanded on that idea with the tower mode and "Critical Finishes" which, to be fair, are like "Fatalities" from "Mortal Kombat" only without blood. It adds a new depth to the game and makes it better when you're against an opponent who favors the block button.

Things that brought this game down for me were the costumes on some of the female characters and an occasionally spammy computer opponent. In this game you can knock off parts of armor, and that is cool and all, but when you are wearing nothing to begin with (*cough* Ivy) having MORE fall off is not only strange, it is honestly a bit obscure. That is only a tiny blip in the entirety of the game though. What REALLY irks me though are the freaking "Star Wars" characters. Not only are they ridiculously difficult and over powered, you can't grab Yoda, the one with the red saber is WAY over powered and...well...I haven't fought/tried Vader, but I assume the worst of him as well. Bad mistake by adding them in my opinion.

Add all positives with the challenging (yet do-able) achievements and you have, what I would consider, a good game (that would be better with less star wars and more clothes).