One of the best fighting games for the 360 to date!

User Rating: 9 | SoulCalibur IV X360
Having played every game in this series since I imported Souledge from Japan. Soulcalibur IV really takes the series to the next level. Graphics, sound, moves, control its got it all. One of the best if not the best fighting games you will play this year. Truly one of the best fighting games the 360 has seen. If you are big fan of the series then you will fall head over hills for this one. Online play is a welcomed addition to this title. The game play is in line with the previous versions of the game. The new addition to the blocking system and finishing moves add just the right touch to make this game work oh so well. During a time when good games are typically few and far between SoulCalibur IV really fills that void and I mean in spades. One of those you just can not put down. I give this a 9.0 out of 10. Well worth the price.