Warning, from a more casual kind gamer's POV

User Rating: 6.5 | SoulCalibur IV PS3
For this review I'm going to be using a feeble imitation of IGN's Ratings and Reviews Policy, so I'll mark the game by presentation, graphics, sound, gameplay and lasting appeal. Also point form.
- because point form is awesome
- saves time and effort
- lets you be lazy

- Bland and rather irritating menus, check.
- Load times are frequent, but thankfully rather short.
- What happened to awesome opening FMV from the last couple games.
- They added Star Wars to SC. Either advertising for Force Unleashed or desperation for more sales, either is not a good sign.
- Everything else is rather bland compared to it's predecessors.
- Essentially no story what so ever.

- The character models are simply amazing, unless you're using a created character in which they are decent.
- Very detailed arenas.
- For attacks/combos with special effects, said effects are quite nice.
- No real frame rate issue.
- Compared to some other 3D fighting games I played (Fight Night Round 3/4 and UFC 2009 Undisputed) the animations are rather... boring. You always seem to have the same reaction when being hit and no matter from where or when you strike you're opponent the animation is always the same. Trade off of being a arcade fighter I suppose.
- Nice textures.

- The music varies from boring to amazing.
- Grunts and *shing!*. Rather bland.
- Voice acting, the little we get, is rather meh.

- Controls are responsive.
- If you never played a arcade style fighter before don't even rent it, the massive amount of combos, the difficulty/bull**** of the CPU or essentially the learning curve will make you nerd rage.
- Online consists of people who can barely play (maybe 1% of online community, ex. me, ?, etc.), people who are cheap beyond believe and will spam an unbalanced attack or two the whole match (maybe 34% of online community) and those who have been playing the SC for a very long time and will end the fight within 5 seconds with an unblockable instakill 9000+ point combo without you able to use a single attack (maybe 65% of online community).
- Online mode is the best mode available.
- Tower of Lost Souls is horrible. At least the little rpg-rts-fighter mode from SCIII had a story and something to do with you're custom characters. You're stats weren't decided by what you wore either, completely **** the creation process over.
- You have the cleverly hidden quick match, a story mode without any story and a simply online component with horrible match making abilities (first fight ever? A guy with over 50 wins less than 10 loses).
- Lag.
- **** Apprentice, can't even use his move set...

Lasting Appeal:
- You can either suffer through online play or suffer through ToLS.
- There's no fun cutscenes to unlock.
- If you struggle through ToLS, you might be able to find some costume pieces that don't suck, aren't for the wrong gender, aren't ugly as sin.

Final Thoughts/Score:
- Feels like it was released unfinished, possibly so it would be out before TFU (released less than two months later) for advertising purposes.
- Has to be unfinished...
- If they had all of the modes from SCIII, it would have had a longer lasting appeal and a higher presentation if they either used more effort or had more time to put effort in.
- Might have helped if I was hardcore/masochistic enough to plod through ToLS as well.