Yet just another game showing the decline of Sonic on HD systems.

User Rating: 5.5 | Sonic Unleashed PS3
Over the years Sonic the Hedgehog has gone from a series which with each release we could say "Oh boy another great Sonic game is coming out!" to "Oh man how will Sega screw up Sonic this time?" As you can tell by the score I've given this game nothing has changed on the HD systems for Sonic.

Gameplay, 4. There are four different ways of playing the game you'll be doing. You'll often be traveling around these towns talking to people. The reason this portion of the game may sound like a complete waste of time to you is because it really is. There is another area right outside the town where all the stages are. This also is a complete unnecessary waste of time. Now that we've gotten through the two pointless portions of the game we can get to the meat of the game (rotten, but still meat nonetheless). There are two ways you'll be playing the game's action stages: during the day you'll be normal Sonic and this play the normal Sonic stages which involve speeding down corridors and even as a few 2D areas. So far it seems like normal Sonic game but the gimmick comes out only at night (literally) when you play as Sonic the Werehog (I'm not screwing with you on the name). These stages are basically beat-em'-up fighters where are destroy hoards of enemies and there is also some slower paced platforming in these levels.
Okay first off the town portions and the hub areas near them are a complete uncessary waste of your time. They contribute nothing to the game other than making it look longer. The game doesn't get much more fun during the actual stages. The Day stages are broken as all Hell. After the first couple Day stages, instead of making things more challening, just gets cruely cheap. You'll often just run off cliffs that you would probably have never dodged the first time around and in other ways you'll be killed due to circumstances seemingly out of your control. Most people would disagree with me when I say this but I actually believe the Night stages are better than the Day stages, of course that doesn't mean the Night stages don't suck too. They are way too easy and all you have to do is button-mash. There are bunch of different button combinations you can do but there's really no skill to the night stages. All in all the gameplay in this game is pretty bad.

Graphics, 7. The graphics are pretty good. During the day they look amazing but during the night they seem to be downgraded for some reason, which makes no sense for them to do that.

Sound, 7. The music and sound effects are good the only problem here is the voice acting, as usual in Sonic games, is awful.

Value, 6. The game is decently long, and there is plenty to do after you beat the game but when the game plays so poorly to where it is zero fun, why would you even want to bother getting everything?

Difficulty, Hard. The game is pretty hard because of the extreme cheapness of the game. Like I said before you will die because of obstacles that you had little chance to dodge the first time around.

Tilt, 4. I used to be a fan of Sonic but I'm on my last straw with this series. Sega and Sonic Team have shown pure incompetence and barely work on the game's problems, mostly because they know no matter how bad the game is it will sell because of its brand name. Sonic is recovering on the Wii, maybe one day we will see a good Sonic game on the HD systems. But for now, Sonic sucks and is in dire need to get it together before the series becomes completly irrelevent in the gaming world.