Sonic has traveled back in time where his games were amazing. It works

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I WII
When I have downloaded this game on Christmas Eve, I was very excited to see how it would play. I had a good hunch that this game would be amazing and would be Sonic's first step to re-achieve Video Game greatness. Was my hunch ever so right. Let's go on with the review:


Gameplay has both a familiar and unfamiliar feel when you compare it to other games in the classic series. It plays in 2-D, it has excellent flow and despite what some people say, it feels fast. The inclusion of the homing attack is welcomed as not only gives access to different routes, but helps with keeping up a good amount of speed in the air as well, kind of like the spin dash but in the air. Good old classic enemies and bosses to face off against while having various new obstacles to classic zones (which are all categorized into 3 acts plus a boss act). If you are 100% complete with the game, you can always It is sad to see that the bosses are rehashed from different games from the classic series, but I think that is why it is a test game.
Gameplay gets an 9.25/10


Graphics are pretty stunning. Although everyone may not agree, adding 3-D details to both the levels and enemies have worked wonderfully. Whether you are running through Splash Hill Zone or avoiding boulders in the Lost Labyrinth Zone, you cannot disagree that the details not only look realistic, but maintains a cartoonic feel as well. Despite the praise I give to the graphics, there are problems as well. Sonic's running animation feels a bit off. Even when he is running fast, his legs move as though they are running half the speed he is going at. The animations in general feel a bit off. This is my only major problem with the graphics.
Graphics get an 8.5/10


The Sound in this game is just classic. You have classic sounds such as the spin dash, swallowing bubbles and bouncing off of springs to new sounds such as the homing attack. Although not many people will agree, I like the soundtrack. The music in this game feels very energetic and so right, yet it could be better.
Sound gets an 8.75/10


The controls.....aren't really the best out of the series. While the controls are easy to get, it just feels a bit off. It is not something a person who is not used to unusual physics to play. It does require muscle memory to get how the controls work with each level. On a positive note, that just makes the game much more unique and give it a bit more identity which helps to the identity problem it does suffer.
Controls get a 7.5/10


34 divided by 4= 8.5

Overall Score= 8.5

Final Note:

This game is a great download to anyone that has access to Wiiware, X-Box Live Market and Playstation Network. It feels fresh, yet very nostalgic. There are problems that keeps it away from achieving greatness, but to be fair, it is a test game. It was not meant to single-handedly be what Sonic 4 is about (which explains why the game was divided to episodes), but is a game that people play and give their comments to Sega so that they can make a better episode. I have to say, Sega has done an excellent job with this game. I know they are going to do better and with that note, I cannot wait for episode 2.