Sonic R is a very good racing game but a bit to short.

User Rating: 8.8 | Sonic R SAT
This game is good. How it got a low score I don't know. Sonic R is yes a racing game. There a 5 levels in total and 10 characters (inc Super Sonic). When you race there will be a total of 5 racers on the track (player one and 4 computer characters). (Story)There is no real story in this game you are just out to become first in all races. (Graphics)Graphics are quite good for a 32bit console. Sonic and the other characters look O.K but the level surroundings are in full 3D and look brilliant. (Sound)The sound track on this game is excellent. Each level has its own song. This makes the game much more fun to play. The songs are sung by the same woman but each have different means like when you play the city level the song will be about the city. (Gameplay)Can be a bit hard to play first of all and definitely when you challenge a secret character. But once you get used to controlling the game you will have no problem beating the computer. (Value)The weakest of them all. This game does only have 5 levels and you will get past them easy. But collecting all Chaos Emeralds and collecting all the coins may take a while. This game does have extras. like tag,find the balloons and more plus playing this game with a friend will make this last longer. (Overall)Not a bad game at all. The only problem is that it could have been a bit longer. I think that you should check this game out. If you can't get it on the Saturn get it on the PC for a very cheap price. But I think that this is a very good racing game and the fact that Sonic is in it makes it even better.