A decent Sonic package with some great games that overweigh the bad.

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Mega Collection GC

This was my first ever game :) Any way let's continue with the review. This is a game jam packed with sonic games. You have the original Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic's 3-D blast, Sonic Spinball, Dr Robotnik's mega mean bean machine and a few other ones that are locked.

They play just the same as they did on the Genesis, nothing new here but that's not a bad thing. Classic stages and that giant floating ring remain like in the original.People might not of heard of some of the games like Sonic Spinball (which is just a game of pinball but instead of a ball you have Sonic and you have to free birds and kill robots and watch out for that pesky cyber dragon shark.) The controls are what you expect in a platformer. A to jump, X, Y and B to run and circle to pause.

The controls do change in different games but the majority is the basic controls. There is one issue in the game, you have no idea how to unlock the other games. I think I unlocked one by complete accident because I had no idea how to unlock it. If your a Sonic fanboy you can check out old comic strips starring Sonic and watch old trailers and even look at images. Sonic Mega Collection is a great game, with good graphics, awesome controls, sick minigames, neat comic strips, fun boss fights, cool images and fantastic trailers.

The only realproblem is that you don't know how to unlock the extra games but overall this is a decent little game with alot of charm.