one of the most underrated games i've come across...

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Heroes PS2
Gamespot, really? a 6.2? u should be ashamed. Sonic Heroes for the ps2 was really an entertaining and fun game that shouldnt go un-notices.


The gameplay overall was great. There are 12 playable characters, each of which are composed into teams of 3. Team Sonic ( Sonic, Knuckles, Tails ). Team Dark ( Shadow, Omega, Rose) Team Chaotic ( Espio, Charmy, and that alligator guy which i dont know the name 2 ) Team Rose ( Amy, Big the Cat, Cream) Each team had its own little story line with many playable levels that lead to you eventually trying to collect the 7 choas emeralds. Each team may also meet up with another as the story goes along to produce a great plot twist. Each character has their own unique ability and characterists, flying, power, speed, etc.


The graphics on this game were definitely above average for its time. I remember 1st playin this game years ago and it waz amazing to see the cut scenes and the characters race along the screen. Although they may be choppy at times and may have a few glitches, wat do u really expect from a ps2 game made in the early 2000's ?

Voice Acting:

Before the eventual 4-kids came out, Sonic was free from holding back anything that 4 kids may have blocked. While the voice acting may have been better ( yea i prefer 4 kids over this games actors, sadly) it's still fun to see the sonic Chaarcters interacting.

With a wide storyline and great gameplay, I rate Sonic Hereos for the PS2 an 8.0. I reccomend this game if you feel like getting back to the basics and playin old time games.

The Good: fun gameplay, many playable characters for a platform game, enjoyable matches against other teams

The Bad: multiplayer could've been better, voice acting makes you feel like you're playing a 4 year olds game,

Final Ratings-

Gameplay: 8.5/10

Graphics: 8/10

Sound: 5/10

Controls: 9/10

Fun Factor: 9.5/10

Final Score: 40/50 > 8/10: Great

Well, hope my review was helpful, bye for now!