Still almost as crappy as sonic drift, yet twice as good.

User Rating: 3 | Sonic Drift 2 GG
I have no idea why sega decided to make a sequel to the rubbishy sonic drift. Did it really sell that much? Well I don't care if it did or not because it's just horrible. Sonic drift 2 was a little bit better than its predecessor, but still not very good. Thankfully, there is a bit more variety in the game than the original and you can choose to be one of 7 characters instead of the original four in sonic drift. the tracks are also a little more interesting but some still continue to offer the same amount of genericness as the tracks in SD1.

The good:

*Better variety than the original
*Tracks are a bit more interesting

The bad:

*Graphics are bad
*The AI is retarded
*Controls are awful

So, please don't buy this game

Graphics: 2/5

Gameplay: 1/5

Music & Sound: 2/5

Controls: 0/5

Entertainment: 2.5/5

Overall: 7.5/25
