Arguably the best 3D Sonic game this generation, an amazing comeback for the blue hedgehog.

User Rating: 9 | Sonic Colours WII
I grew up with Sonic, I LOVED Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Sonic & Knuckles and played the hell out of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and played Sonic Heroes with my cousin and completely beat Sonic Advanced 2 on my brother's GBA. After that, I sort of lost interest in Sonic, especially when I heard that HD Sonic games were terrible. I didn't own a handheld so I missed out on most of the Sonic handheld games, but the moment I saw the preview for Sonic Colors, I knew it was going to be something special, and boy was I right. Sonic Colors took pretty much everything that was wrong about the previous Sonic games, fixed it while staying true to Sonic and bringing in some new features.

It's still the typical Eggman is trying to take over the world (galaxy in this case) story that Sonic has always been known for, yet this time Eggman starts off appearing remorseful for his actions, thus building an interstellar amusement park. Alas, this is just to hide his true intentions of farming powerful aliens called wisps and draining them of their energy. Sonic, knowing Eggman never learns his lesson, investigates the park with Tails and learns of Eggman's intentions through a white wisp named Yacker (Tails names him that).

Graphics: 10/10
Sonic Colors is a STUNNING game by any standard and could easily be mistaken for an HD game. Environments are highly detailed, vibrant and are just oozing with personality and style. Sonic, Tails, the Wisps, Eggman and his robots all animate very smoothly and beautifully.

Sound: 9/10
The music takes a cue from Mario Galaxy, feeling very grand (especially considering you're in an intergalactic space park) BUT still feels very Sonic. Still very catchy and adds to the fast pace of the game. The voice acting is also very nicely done. Although I had no problems with the voices of Sonic and Tails back in Adventure (I actually liked their voices), the new ones are still very good (although Tails is back to being voiced by a girl whereas in Adventure he was actually voiced by a boy) and play off each other, giving us amusing, albeit corny, dialogue.

Gameplay: 9/10
Sonic Colors changes up the typical Sonic gameplay by introducing wisps. White wisps give Sonic an invincible boost of speed, Cyan allow Sonic to move at light speeds and bounce off walls and other enemies, Yellow turns Sonic into a drill for dirt or water, Orange is a rocket that only flies straight up, Pink turns him into a spiked ball that can attach to any surface, Blue turns blue cubes into blue coins and vise versa along with giving Sonic a shockwave attack, Green hovers and can perfect the light speed move with a trail of rings and Purple turns Sonic into a hard to control monster that eats anything in its path. All of these wisps do a great job in changing up the game play and presenting new challenges and are a must if you want to collect all the Red Rings in each stage and I do recommend you try and collect EVERY red ring.

Also Colors gives Sonic a double jump instead of a slight boost in the air, and when mastered, makes platforming much easier and more precise. Sonic can still be a bit floaty and hard to control, but this is by far the most polished and precise 3D Sonic to date. I do wish the boss battles were more varied as 3 of them are repeated throughout the game.

Value: 10/10
A massive Sonic game, boasting 80+ levels, around 40 for the main campaign and another 40 in the challenge/multiplayer section, which can all be unlocked by collecting every red ring in the game.

Overall: 9/10
In my opinion, this is the best 3D Sonic game around right now and the standard that Sega needs to uphold when creating new Sonic games. I felt like Generations was a step backwards as it made platforming more difficult and severely lacked content. If you love Sonic and miss his glory days, Colors is a great step back in the right direction.