A must buy for 400 Microsoft points.

User Rating: 9 | Sonic CD X360
This is my favorite sonic game now. I've played all of the Sonic 2D classics but Sonic CD has much more depth in it then any other sonic game out there. Sonic CD starts with an awesome level that was basically design to show off the Genesis CD add on capabilities, after that Sonic CD takes you into a unbelievable experience involving time travel through the past and future which changes the stage accordingly but above all of that, it has the awesome fast side scrolling and solid platforming are there and better then ever. Sonic CD in many occasions both combine these elements, Platforming and the fast side scrolling together to create a unique feat that both involves going fast and using brain power at the same time, to break free and reach the goal. My only cons are that some walls are sometime really are openings not well apart from a regular wall ( same color most of the time). But know this thanks to the auto save system Sonic CD is a very short game to beat it took me 3 hours to beat with a good amount of trail and error that would originally take me back at square one, but I only got the bad ending ( Instant reply value right there!!). I'm currently trying to figure out how to get the good ending myself but with all the others games that are out now, I'm eventually going use Game FAQs shameful I know, buts not the point. Sonic CD offers the most depth in such a short amount of time that you'll forget it only takes 3 hours to beat, but trying to get the good ending with out any help,'' oh boy that is going to take a lot more then 3 hours dude... or babe. ''