A very poor, unengaging game

User Rating: 3 | Sonic the Hedgehog CD SCD
Behold the "awesome" power of the Mega CD!

Sonic CD is regarded as the best game for Sega's disastrous early 90s system. Personally, I think the best Mega CD game was...um...there were none. The console was an enormous flop which hurt Sega badly. But if Sonic CD is supposed to represent the system at the apex of it's powers then just how bad were the truly bad games?

I'll answer that question in another review if I ever get to play them. But for the moment I'll focus on the abyss of disappointment that is Sonic CD.

Development began in 1992 before the release of Sonic 2, thus the general appearance and level design is very close to that of the original Sonic, which dates the game badly for those of you who are more used to the polished, slicker, quicker feel of the sequels. Sometimes you'll go slow you'll begin to wonder why it wasn't called Chronic CD.

The levels themselves (useless time-travel feature aside) and boring and unengaging, You just breeze through them with little effort and no admiration. There's nothing that stands out and nothing truly define each level with it's own personality or style. The boss battles are also so easy a blind gamer could do it no sweat. And don't even get me started on those awful, awful Special Stages.

Why this is regarded as being the Mega CD's "must have" is beyond my understanding and I'm a man of noble intelligence. For a system that charged the consumer £350 ($470) you'd expect to have your mind blown by the content, but Sonic CD rates even lower that Sonic 1.

Still, at least the music is pleasant.

Graphics D
Sound B
Gameplay D
Lasting Appeal F