This is not a sonic game. You have more freedom and control in 2D sonics.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sonic and the Secret Rings WII
I grew up on sonic the hedgehog on the megadrive back in the day. I was addicted to the fast paced platforming fun of those games and I still play them to this day. Sonic heroes was a great game for me and reminded me of that fast paced action and really did stay true to the series roots. I thought it was a terrific 3D platformer and was severely underrated. To see Sonic and the secret rings praised as the greatest 3D sonic ever I was extremely pleased and expected an even better game. How wrong I was.

I like 3D platformers. Sonic Heroes was that, and I enjoyed it. Sonic and the secret rings is not. Its an on rails game where you tilt the remote to move left and right and press a button to jump. Sure, all you really did in 2D sonics was run and jump, but even in those games you had more freedom and control. At least you could slow down, turn around and at least there were genuine platforming moments in there. SATSR is just contsantly moving forward with virtually no platforming. The closest thing to platforming is having to press the jump button. There's no dodging enemy attacks, there's no dodging traps. Moving the wii remote forward attacks enemies and theres nothing more to it. You dont really have to strategise against different enemies or anything. Boss fights aren't ass good as heroes and aren't as good as classic sonics. Its not a very long game, but no sonic has ever been. Getting all medals and firesouls adds replay value but even that doesn't add alot. Heroes was the same really. I dont really like the new story. It just didn't feel like a sonic game at all. Not only was the gameplay nothing like a sonic game, but it had a totally different story as well. The only thing related to sonic is sonic. Not having robotnik/eggman as the main enemy is just not sonic the hedgehog. In fact he wasn't even an enemy. Granted it was an okay game and is quite fun. Its not a 3D platformer and its not a sonic game. Its a short game and will last about 10 hours for the average player. Controls are frustrating at times but most of the time they work well. If you like on rails games this is for you. If you liked previous 3D sonics and 3D platformers in general you may be disappointed. Rent it first.