Back to older roots, only for the current generation. *Translated, a true blue Sonic game.*

User Rating: 9.2 | Sonic and the Secret Rings WII
This is where Sonic the Hedgehog shined the most. The storyline is much better off this way based on Arabian Nights then it's been for the more current 3D sonic games that's a given. You are always moving at high speeds like in the old school Sonic games, and are always blasting through the badniks. Now let's break it down for a second.

The Good: Controllers which work perfectly to fit the old Sonic the hedgehog we know and love, graphics are incredible. As good as they've ever been in, with spectacular surroundings, and much better enemy designs then in any other Sonic game. Storyline is much better. Finally the camera no longer jumps around since you're always looking forward. And the all time best plus for Sonic and the Secret Rings, you FINALLY play as Sonic The Hedgehog, with adding any excess characters to clutter the scene with.

The Bad: Voice acting is improved, but let's be honest, 4kids is useless when it comes to voice acting. The soundtrack is more then decent, but nowhere near as good as we'd expect from a Sonic game. Even Sonic The Hedgehog 360, which was a horrible game in general had a better soundtrack then this game. Multiplayer is good, but like Sonic Shuffle, it will get old relatively fast at times. But it's still good, and any true blue hedgehog fan can overlook all of these issues.

So overall, it's a surprisingly fantastic game, and a great addition for the wii. Now if only wii was around longer, maybe that'd have put an end to all dilemmas within the Sonic gaming. Forget what any negative review has to say, *namely IGN* if you own a wii, then purchase this game and feel the nostalgia you felt when you first played Sonic for genesis once again.