GOOD GAME even better multiplayer!

User Rating: 8.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 PSP
This game just amazes me on the graphics and all of the things you can do on it... Much to do making the game seem like an endless time playing. Very addictive multiplayer and awsome credit system.... Mulitiplayer is alot of fun being able to customize your online character and buying items like guns (only for single player), Buying masks, clothing anything you pretty much want (online play). Having a microphone makes the online part even better but is optonial. Single player isent the best story line but is worth playing just for the fun of dealing with terrorists and such... Cutscenes are amazing and high quality. Single player can get abit boring after you've beaten almost most of it and no plot makes it even worse... but over all very very good game worth buying this no matter what kind of game fan you are.