Just finnished SOCOM: US Navy Seals FTB 2 in time for FTB 3!!!

User Rating: 8 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 PSP
I bought this game last March and got to the second to last level, when I ran out of CE points, and needed more for added artilary strikes for that level. So I ended up putting the game down for a couple of months 'cause I couldn't be bothered to play the repetitive self directed campaigns. But since FTB3 is comming out, I wanted to finish up what I started in FTB2.

Thumbs up:
Better graphics, sound - I love the errie noise of that the rusting Soviet era landscape makes.

Story: This story had more depth that FTB1 and thus made for better play.

Weapons: Better variety

Command Equity: It's cool to use a more strategic approach to a level by arming yourself with less leathal weapons and trying to win "hearts and minds".

Thumbs down:
Online Play: The lame arse sayings using '90's lingo - e.g. "NOT!". Fake Country Names: C'mon, we got a war on Terror going on here. Give us Bin Laden to hunt. Let us fight the Taliban in Afganistan. Gamer's are smarter than people think.