King of Military Shooters on the Playstation 2??

User Rating: 9.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
The SOCOM series is probably one of the most well-known in the Sony world. Even the Xbox/Gamecube fans take note of it. It's probably as well known as it is for three reasons: the ability to command your squad/utilize the headset offline as well as on, the ability to customize weapons, and it's tried and true style of action-packed gameplay.

Not until SOCOM 3 could we use vehicles, however, and some thought the introduction of vehicles to be a mistake, totally messing up SOCOM's focus on the individual soldier/squad. However, when playing in a good server devoid of any jerks, these vehicles can greatly enhance online play.

One of the better parts of this game were more multiplayer maps, and the addition of the MG-36 and extended magazines. The gameplay remains as tense and action-packed as ever, and if nostalgia hits, you can always join a server hosting old maps.

Some bad points to this game:
-Not only is there no graphical facelift, this game is starting to look kind of old, and it runs choppy at times. -There are still ways to cheat on here, and people abuse that.
-There were not enough weapon additions to the game
-There should have been customizable uniforms