If you have played a SOCOM game before, this is basicly the same.

User Rating: 8 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
I own and love all of the SOCOM games. The SOCOM CA singleplayer still feels the same in this as it did in SOCOM 3. Just a new setting and some new weapons and vehicles. It may feel the same but the story is quite good and makes you want to play more. There is replay value but not much. And the campagin was quite hard in my eyes, which makes it somewhat fun. But the thing that makes this game worthy is the multiplayer. With alot of maps, servers, competion, and customization make the online wonderful. But alot of the maps are recycled from SOCOM 3 with just some new ones. If you are a fan of SOCOM or tactical shooters I would recommend this.