if u want a good online shooter for the ps2, look no further

User Rating: 8.6 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
Pretty good game, definitly get it if u liked the other socoms

only 1 new gun and 2 new attachments, but alot of new awesome vehicles

theyve tweaked the graphics, it looks alot better

AI is definitly improved, especially on commander and admiral difficulty

coop takes time to get used to, but its fun

New maps are awesome, and alot bigger, in total theres like 20 maps both new and from S3, and the 3 maps from the mappack
also, there is a good variety of maps including snow, forest, desert, urban and coastal

only dissapointments (to me at least) is no blood

good game, go pick it up!