Wow every moment in the game had me wanting to play more!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.7 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
Let me just say congrats to zipper to listening to consumers and giving the world such a good game!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Gameplay is still the same but is it? The game has some good moments in the single player campagin. The game is easy for beginners who are just arriving to the socom hype, but for veterens of the series all of us want the adimeral setting for CA. Let me just say the Admiral Difficulty had me wanting to play more and more until I ended the game. In the co-op mode there is a thing called medpacks and ammo packs, these are a nice touch to the series. I cant help but think they took some game tips from EA's Famous Battlefield Series. The Artificial Intelligence in the game is really difficult and wise. In example in one room I found myself being flanked by two tangos the one face me in a nice fire fight, but the sneaky one went around the crates and building and gunned my character from behind. At other time I was faced with oppenents ranging from snipers to assult teams in groups. Wow the games is real nice I like the way they had installed the online co-op mode. It makes everything so much easier when doing the campagin mode. Its fun when online in the co-op mode you'll find yourself and your team mate saying"where the heck did that tango come from" or Opps my bad I didn't mean to mess up the demolition". Overall the games is a nice touch replinishing the series to a new start and a new road. Multiplayer is still the same the only real improvements are teammate display. Example when playing demolition and suppression you'll notice your character has a green diamond shaped that is on the characters body. The Icon is visible from every angle so you will not have to worry about klilling your own teammates. There are not many improvements on the weapons execpt for a little of new weapons. Also there are some new attachments for some weapons. The new maps are a great touch everything is kind of balanced. Example In prowler I find myself sweeting when running in the open, or walking around each corner. The game is fair balanced and their are not many complaints on the game. The only real complaint that might go on in the socom universe is that the new mercenaries skin and the seals skin almost look alike. So becareful who you aim at you might kill your teammate. The graphics are at its peak on the ps2, so you are gonna have to wait until they have a socom 4 on the ps3. Other then that the game is a nice entrance to the series with a grade of b+. bravo zipper.