SNIPER ELITE - - - Stealthy, shoot-em-up action that quickly hits that bullseye target of your gamer heart!!

User Rating: 10 | Sniper Elite PS2
SNIPER ELITE is fantastic. It is all it's cracked up to be, and then some.

Fans of stealth, action, and shooters in general should definitely take a look at this release. It aims to please and hits the bullseye.

The co-op aspect is personally my favorite part of the game. Nothing beats running and gunning through a squad of enemy troops while your pal precisely lodges a bullet into their left eyeball.

A bit brutal I know, but that's war, folks. It's not supposed to be pretty, and the makers of this game obviously understand that. It's gritty, dark, grim, smokey, and danger lurks like a lone vulture on a high ledge in the middle of a battle ravaged city block.

The only downside to this title, in my opinion, is that it ends too soon! The game would have most definitely benefited from elaborated and extended missions.

All in all, though-this game delivers.

The graphics aren't terribly distracting, and in fact, they're quite reasonably rendered. As I sit and play this game I often relish the idea that there could possibly be a sequel at some point. And about how glorious it would look onto today's consoles (PS3, 360, Wii).

Get this game if you can find it & afford it.

Play it if you have the capability.

And you will soon find yourself among the elite.