Into realistic single-player war games? This is as good as can be!

User Rating: 9.4 | Sniper Elite PC
Game is truly inter-active. You choose your own path (use the maps!) and in this way it never gets booring. Also, use 'rock' as often you can (great thrill).Surely, players who are hunters and or soldiers get still more out of the game-they familiar with what's involved. Sound is great . Language intonation is fine and genuine (comp. with Call of Duty 2 which is a disaster in this respect). One can agree the game sometimes gets frustating when you die 'late' and forgot to 'save' -then there is long long way back! But the fault is with you and not with the game. Also frustrating is that once you have opened fire you will soon be fired on and aiming will accordingly. But that is the essence of the game. Use 'silent kill' as often you can! Great with sovjets!
Having been to Berlin it is remarkable how close the game places you into the real thing;spring color tones are splendid!
All the compliments to the creators! Were it not such an extreme single -player game I would give it just about full score!