Gamestop still wanted $44 for this used game, 03/18/2008 need I say more?

User Rating: 8.5 | Sniper Elite PS2
Great detail, thrilling, exciting, and worth the money. The developing crew took alot of time to turn this new game into a classic. The missions are well paced. The player needs to be cautious, patient, observant, and quick thinking. The bullet cam of your shots are impressive. You really have to think like a sneaky predator to clear the missions and get to the next level. The save option is good if you can remember to save because you get involved on survival and forget to save. Sometimes you are being shot at and the use of the binoculars helps big time. You can hide and look till the other sniper is shooting, giving away his position. The sound of the game does very well. Tank engines, machine guns, airplanes, and explosions with the tempo of the music go well with the overall game play. You might rent this one but you'll end up buying it because it is just a really fun WW2 sniper game. If you want to run and gun don't bother with this, it's for the player who likes to kill and get up close to it's prey. Great job Namco.