This is the best Sniping expierience there is but no ones herd of this game it annoys me.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sniper Elite PC
Okay, this isn't your average WW2 game. It's about the end of World War 2 and the beggining of the cold war. It sounds strange and boring that the cold war is happening at the end of WW2 in Berlin and it's actually a war but it sets the scene for a great action game.

Wherever you hit your foes, it is satisfying. Slow motion long headshots never become boring. The realism settings also make it even more satisfying to hit enemies from such long range and I don't know wnhat they're on about at gamespot the hit detection here is brilliant, especially on you. Gamespot also said that alot of the game looks the same in each level. It dose to some extent. The city streets do look very similar in places, but the good thing about that is that the game has a distinctive look that sticks with you when you imagine Sniper Elite and the streets also look interstin and have nice textures. They're more fun to look at than those of Call of Duty.

The multiplayer is aslo fun and acessesibe, with a flawless built in server browser. There is also still a good and hardened fan base playing online but for reasons I wont go into, you won't find me playing at the moment. If you ever like to buy tons of cheap games then include this and make the most of it.