One of the BEST!

User Rating: 9.8 | Sniper Elite PS2
A great game all around. The AI is done incredibly well. Almost like real live enemies. They will run for cover, they will hide, they will wait and they will end your game quick if you're not good enough. At first, I thought the AI was not believable at all. They either find you and kill you too quickly or they just hide forever. But guess what, this is why this simulation is so close to being real. The enemy is not going to simply be around for you to knock off one by one. If you shoot down an enemy with one shot to the head, others will be alerted and they will hide. All too often, there's a game where you take down the enemy and the AI buddy nearby would come over to the dead guy and bang, you take them out too. Not so in this awesome game. It will take lots of strategy, great reflexes and relocation to be effective. Like some of the history books I've read, this is exactly what it's like. One wrong move, and bang.... you are toast. Word of advice, unless you're well over 100 yards away from a sniper kill and/or you've masked the sound of your shot to an explosion, you better shoot and vamoose outta your spot. Like real enemies, the AI will hear you and hone in. Or they will hide and watch until they get a good shot at you. You never know. Like I said... AWESOME!

One strategy that seem to work sometimes, instead of one shot kill to an enemy, take a stomach, leg or arm shot. A shot like that will down the AI but not kill it. And then a healthy AI just might come out to help his wounded buddy. Oh and then they just might line up for two-for-the-price-of-one shot.... Like I said AWESOME. Great job Rebellion and Namco.

Just one slight but annoying problem, they should've assigned a button for wall hugging. In some situations, automatic wall hugging when you don't need it to really becomes annoying. Especially, when you're trying to duck for run into an alley and you end up hugging the wall instead of rounding the corner. Not a big whoop... Still AWESOME!