Hi all.. well this is really my no.1 game , I love this game from the 1st time i played it .

User Rating: 8.4 | Sniper Elite PC
Sniper elite is one of the greatest war pc games in the graphics & sound effects , & believe me Ican't compare it with medal of honor , cause this game has beated medal of honor from all sides.
This game needs a patient ,clever player to finish it , not just like any other game when we hit & run . this one reminds me with hitman cause the player must be as stealth as he can .
man it looks like a movie about the world war 2 like : enemy at the gates .
finally let me say : please go & play it today not tomorrow.
the cheats are easy also , if u want to have a silenced rifle just create a new profile and name it as : stealth or to have a an exploding bullets name your profile as: panzer.
