The Burger King has his own game and it is so cheap that you can't help playing it.

User Rating: 5.8 | Sneak King X360
The Good: Is cheap and available where you can eat; It has some good game play and comes out the low price of $4. The Bad: So cheap and cheesy you wonder how this game came to be. Sneak King is a game where you play as the "King" You know the plastic smiley faced mascot for Burger King. If he wasn't scary enough you will be sneaking up on people to save them from their own hunger. You use is steal and dexterity to sneak up on the hungry citizens of the world and deliver them a meal courtesy of Burger King. While the game is one big in game advertisement, you should be aware of that, you just bought if from a fast food chain. The game is worth the $4 dollars that you pay for it and it could be a collectible sometime in the future. The game looks like a last gen Xbox game due to it being able to played on the Original Xbox and the Xbox 360. So you are the King and you sneak up on people to feed them, not to hard. Well it offers some challenge you can sneak up on them the regular way or surprise them by jumping out of something, my favorite a pile of mud. And if you are too late to feed a person the faint. The point of surprising them, and earning points and increasing your meter. If you are seen you loose your point multiplier. So don't be seen. Or risk losing the points. Also you have a limited time so don't be wasting to much time fooling around. You play through different levels once you get enough points to get to the next level. The point is you just have to be sneaky like in Splinter Cell. It also disturbs me how the King moves around though, nightmares. The game is cheap and you get a cheap looking, mediocre presented game play game. So be happy for what you payed for it. Enjoy the game for what it is. For there isn't to much to it except one bing advertisement for hamburgers.