An atrocious game that consist of a few sorry excuses for mini games...

User Rating: 2 | Smart Bomb PSP
Well, the first thing you notice is the graphics, theyre bland and not very colorful. This 50 dollar joke comes with a couple bomb defuse minigames. One of them is that there is a ball and you have to move it to buttons in a certain amount of time. Which plays well but its boring, and not challenging at all. Then there is one that you have to connect wires, very much like those games that you have to attach tracks or pipes and reach it to the exit. This one could get a bit challenging, but then again you can just play this in game websites. Then theres alot of other ones which you could find anywhere in the web. The sound is actually pretty decent. The story mode is just the bomb defuse games and some lame cutscened about some bomb defusing organization or something. I didnt bother getting through it so i dont know much about the story but i could tell its not interesting. The only reason i have this game is because when i bought my psp. There was a discount on the game and the guy in the counter actually said it was a top selling game. So i recommend you dont buy, rent, borrow or touch this game, just go to the web (, etc.) and just play if you are bored.