Small Arms is a Super Smash Brothers knock off which ultimately falls short.

User Rating: 6.3 | Small Arms X360
Small Arms is a fighter modeled after super smash brothers but with a more weapon based fighting system. Each charachter has their own Arm which is their primary weapon.

Good: Cool weapons and charachters, fun multiplayer
Bad: Gameplay is extremly shallow, 2 firing modes and a melee attack are no where near enough.

Good: Nice looking enviroments and charachters on some levels.
Bad: Some levels dont look all that great, hard to tell characters apart sometimes.

Good: Good Gun sound effects
Bad: Charachters sound really dumb, music is reall dull.

Small arms won't be too much fun for long when playing by yourself, but with your friends or on Xbox Live your experience will be somewhat prolonged.

Small arms has a lot of potential but doesn't semm to reach it with its shallow gameplay, and just plain lack of content. If you must by it than go ahead but their are other Arcade games that a more fun and will last longer than this.