Small Arms good, but not good enough

User Rating: 7.2 | Small Arms X360
Small Arms looked to be a great arcade game. It had action, platforming, decent graphics, and online multiplayer. Unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype. I got Small Arms the day it came out and I thought it looked pretty good and had fairly simple controls. It played pretty well but it got old kind of quick. The levels were interesting and at first the characters were entertaining but I quickly realized that it didn't really matter who you picked because you end up switching weapons constantly anyway. In this way I was a little disappointed with the game. As I played through i found myself playing only for achievements and not just for the fun of it. I did like the multiplayer. I haven't played it online but I played against my brother and that was pretty fun. I would recommend the multiplayer over the single player because in my mind it was much more entertaining and long lasting. In the end Small Arms wasn't all that bad but it just didn't have that addictive feel to it.