Game is luring, but may not be worth the 800 marketplace pts, unless you're a big fan of shootem ups.

User Rating: 8.2 | Small Arms X360
The game is a mixture of Ratchet and Clank (PS2) with Super Smash Bros (GameCube). The guns are innovative and cool, but lack the overall substance some may be looking for. They offer several different firing modes, and one cool weapon available is a katana, but aiming becomes quite difficult at times. Without an aiming reticle friring proves sometimes very hard. The difficulty of the game is borderline hard but sometimes manageable. The most engaging aspect of this game is its multiplayer, which just brings you back to Super Smash Bros. Melee, and playing with friends. The game is overall fun, but is missing something. The maps are cool, and sound is alright. Overall i guess its worth it; if you have the marketplace points, but if you dont i'd just wait until you get more.