6.0? Don't forget this is a Live Arcade game, not a full retail game...

User Rating: 8.4 | Small Arms X360
For being a Live Arcade game as well as being only approx. 9.00$ (800 points) this game is a blast. With the point of the game being just like Smash Bros.(beat the hell outta everyone) this has got to be the closest replica of Smash Bros thus far. 6.0? C'mon man. This is by far one of the best Arcade games so far. The graphics are good, the sound is good, the gameplay is awesome. A four man fight to the death with a mexican wrestling chicken, a hitman pig with a sniper rifle, a cybornetic cat, and a white eyed dinosaur whos bent on revenge? Count me in. With a good amount of characters as well as levels loaded with an arsenal of completely different weapons this game is damn right worth it. Add in the addition of a mission mode, challenge mode, and of course, online battle royal. I honestly can tell you that you cannot go wrong with this game. Its fun as hell and worth every one of your 9$.