Small Cats with Big Guns ...

User Rating: 8.9 | Small Arms X360
The fast and the furry. These little cats carry some big guns. Players will be treated to a fury of combat not seen since Power Stone or Smash Brothers. The weapons in this game range from "Thats awesome" to "Thats wrong". The pure excitement of machine gunning an opponent after he or she wrongfully lobbed a molotov cocktail into your face is just to much.

The sound is exhilating. Surprising, for such a comical shooter everything sounds fluid and real. The corky look and realistic sound go together like peanut butter and jelly. Two opposites, that somehow strangely fit together.

The graphics consist of a 2D screen overlayed on a 3D background. Much to the designers credit, this technique (although considered inferior by many) serves this game well.

Anyone seeking a good Xbox Live Arcade game need not pass up this game. Its current appeal is great, and the prospect of downloadable maps and weapons will keep this game refreshingly new.