A lot of fun. A blatant rip off of a certain Nintendo francise, but a good one. I didn't miss the 800 points at all.

User Rating: 9.6 | Small Arms X360
A lot of fun. A blatant rip off of a certain Nintendo francise, but a good one. I didn't miss the 800 points at all. I wouldn't mind some more variety in the single player but the multiplayer, on line and off, makes it work.

A lot of fun. A blatant rip off of a certain Nintendo francise, but a good one. I didn't miss the 800 points at all. I wouldn't mind some more variety in the single player but the multiplayer, on line and off, makes it work.

A lot of fun. A blatant rip off of a certain Nintendo francise, but a good one. I didn't miss the 800 points at all. I wouldn't mind some more variety in the single player but the multiplayer, on line and off, makes it work.

A lot of fun. A blatant rip off of a certain Nintendo francise, but a good one. I didn't miss the 800 points at all. I wouldn't mind some more variety in the single player but the multiplayer, on line and off, makes it work.