Want proof this game is good? Look at all the reviews so far: the LOWEST is 7.2. Plus, it really is like SSB.

User Rating: 9.5 | Small Arms X360
I'll be honest here, when I first tried the trial, I didn't like it that much, I mean sure it was good, but was it worth the 800 points. Then I found out my friends all got it so I did. The thing is though, if I could go back in time, I would slap myself and say "HEY! what the hell is the matter with you, this game is great, not good, now buy it!" The thing with it is that you enjoy it more every time you play (anything but the campaign). Everyone who has played Super Smash Brothers understands that (except for the exception with the campaign part). This game truly is very similar to SSB except the main attack is shooting instead of punching, and punching has replaced grabbing as a secondary form of attacking, but in Small Arms there is no grabbing. The problem with the campaign that I talked about is the difficulty. Some levels pit you against 3 other enemies, each one the same difficulty as when you faced off against just one bot. And your score will get halved every time you run out of lives.

The challenge mode can be very challenging until you discover the character who I believe to be named Tyrone or Tyrome. The level they have you play this on has a right side which seems to be well suited for him, especially his secondary fire.

The multi player in this game is done VERY well. There will be the odd glitch, which may not even be a glitch at all, but I have never played with anyone who thinks it should be there. But these glitches don't effect the game play, they just aren't large enough glitches. There can be lag, but only with people who have horrible connections, it's usually extremely quick and lag free. The one part of the game which I cannot stand is when the game will randomly zoom in on a character, usually your own to the point where you have no idea where anyone is, sure there are the bubbles telling you what direction there in, but how far are they? I personally see no point in this part of the game. The only other downfall to the game is the number of characters and levels, I know its only an arcade game, but I am dying to see some downloadable content that adds new levels and characters. In conclusion: The game play is superb, but the campaign can get very difficult. Also, the zoom in part shouldn't be there, and I would like to see more characters and levels added.