The KILLER Live Arcade title we've been waiting for!

User Rating: 8 | Small Arms X360
IMPRESSIVE: Innovative gameplay // Impressive graphics for a Live Arcade ========== download // "Six Degrees of Small Arms" viral achievement ========== will make players keep playing online // Fun both online and ========== offline.
NEEDS WORK: Sometimes it's strictness and difficulty hinders the ============ gameplay.

Microsoft sent over word that the next title to be released for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade service will be the multiplayer brawling game Small Arms, a original title from developer Gastronaut Studios. The game will be released early Wednesday morning for 800 Microsoft points (about $10) and will have 12 playable characters, eight levels, four player offline and Xbox Live multiplayer modes, three single player modes and the promise of future downloadable content. Here is a snip:
“Small Arms” includes a unique social networking Achievement called “Six Degrees of Small Arms” that can only be earned by playing with someone who already has it – and which only the game’s creators will possess at launch! In “Small Arms,” up to four players can join in the battles across many dynamic and richly detailed levels. Gamers can choose from a cast of outrageous fighters like the cyborg tabby cat, assassin truffle pig and mutant chimney sweep. While jumping from platform to platform shooting with 360° aim, gamers of all skill levels will be able to pick up and play this innovative side-scrolling action title.