No PS2 collection will be complete without Band of Thieves

User Rating: 9.5 | Sly 2: Band of Thieves PS2
This game vastly improves on the first in that it's actually challenging. For example how many of you complained that the first boss was too easy. Here the boss fights are hard. For example the first boss is Dimitri who shoots lasers and knows how to fight like a gang member which is hard.

This is an improvement. Sly 2 also makes you feel like a thief rather than playing as one. It's fun. You also can switch to Murray and Bentley when push comes to shove. Also the makers see to it that these two are just as important as Sly. For example the seventh-level boss, Jean Bison, who is a large bull that is very strong you have to face as scrawney Bentley. It's quite fun actually.

The plot itself is also quite fun. They make Clockwerk a villain without even being conscious. It's quite innovative and original.

Overall Sly 2 is a great game and is far superior both to its predecessor and its successor.