Yeah It really grows on U and FU*K u Gamespot for giving this damn gr8 game 8 Rating! I say it's even better then GTAIV

User Rating: 9.5 | Sleeping Dogs PC
Man I lov this game you'll love it.... as it is the best game inside my collection...... gfx are beyond my imagination even better than assassin's creed ( 1,2,brohood and revelation) I haven't played assassin's creed 3 and will review it after knowing well about it and I'll see to it if ubisoft got better gfx , engine and gameplay better than this game.... especially... Wei Shen... whoever made Wei Shen I love him!!! I love him even more than Viviene.... and the voice acting of Wei Shen ... aa man ,,, If I don't get to hear a song I'll listen to Wei Shen talking this game is Mother*uck*ng gr8!!
the guyz who still haven't played this game I'll recommend them buying this game instead of assassins creed 3 or Medal of Honor Warfighter....
Like I said in my previous review dat combat espeacially hand-to-hand combat gets my attention and on dat basis I review da games.... well hand-to-hand rocks...... but gunplay, driving still is the best of all time!!! (till 2012).... Square Enix M telling u ,,,, u got 2 damn successful games (hitman absolution and sleeping dogs) and don't worry 'bout gamespot they are a bunch of assh*les I luv ur games dats all...