This is a great game for those that dont even like skateboarding. Like myself...

User Rating: 9 | Skate 2 PS3
Skateboarding has never been a great pleasure of mine. It always looked boring and dumb. When I would be looking on GameSpot and see skating games, I wouldn't be looking at it twice.
One day I got a PlayStation Magazine from my Mom and with it a Demo Disc. I checked out some of the demos and being as bored as I was, decided to give Skate a try. And I found it surprisingly good. Good enough even to want to buy the game...
Skate 2 is the sequel to the already sick Skate. In it you obviously skate. On a skateboard that is. Now this is an open world skateboarding game so its street skating, instead of arena skating. After the opening video, which is quite good I think, you customize ur character. Don't worry, you can always change your character later. Be it his/her clothing, appearance or even gender!
In Skate 2 you can choose which missions you want to do. In the end you will have to do all of the main path story missions if you want to finish the game. There are a whole array of challenges to do. There's death racing, Skateboard Magazine Challenges, Thrasher challenges (which is also a Skateboarding magazine), Street Contests, Tranny Contests etc. Another thing is pro challenges. Here you meet the pros of the current skateboarding world and do things with them.
The tricks in Skate 2 are more in number than in the original Skate. Flip Tricks like in the original Skate or done via the right analog stick. This I think is a very nice touch to the game. Its what makes it above other things unique. Its also more realistic, less button mashy and of course fun than than just pressing a bunch of buttons. Next to this there are also grinds which you can do by jumping on to a rail or ledge. These you can also tweak using the right analog stick. There are also manuals which you can do by pushing the right analog stick halfway up or down. There are also grabs, footplants, handplants and lots more. Of course you can also chain all of these together. For instance flip tricking+grabbing+landing on a rail+flip tricking off+landing into a manual.This way you can experiment and do lots of cool things and then you can even show it off online.
In Skate 2 there is a replay editor tool which films you 24/7. If you just did a really cool trick or something, go to the replay editor and make your own little replay by changing the camera or the speed which are tools that make your replay more interesting. Its really easy to use. Then of course you can upload it and then watch other peoples movies/photos.
Once you have beaten the game, don't worry, there's always thing left to do. Like finding spots. These are places where you can try to beat the score. You have then owned it. By owning spots, you unlock them for party play. You can also look for all of the pools and fountains in the city of New San Vanelona. You can also have throwdowns. In a throwdown you play a game of S.K.A.T.E. Where you or your opponent does a trick and then the next player has to match it. Done all of that? Then there's a new feature for Skate 2 that's not in the original. Its called: The Hall of Meat. When you fall, a point counter comes up to show you how bad you fell. This is always fun. There are also Hall of Meat Challenges where you have to for instance break this many bones or from from this high etc.
There is also party play going up to four players and online play too. In party play you can do a game of Own the Spot, S.K.A.T.E or Hall of Meat. Party Play is always fun as is online and is a nice touch.
Skate 2 is like the original Skate but a lot better. There are more tricks, more challenges, bigger environments, Party Play, Hall of Meat, everything is better. Skate 2 is a fun game for everybody, even the non-skaters. (Like myself) Its also quite funny and has a good story. In Skate 2 you seem to form bonds with the characters around you and you can relate to the character you play as. It's a really good game and I hope you buy it too.