I love survival horror games but when it comes to siren it makes me want to shoot myself realy bad

User Rating: 2 | Forbidden Siren PS2
siren is like one of those japaniesse movies that i have no idia what the hell is going on.

The Grpahiscs..The graphis are prety good the areas look prety decent and then the faces look realy good actualy...

The sound it has the creepy sound to it that just gives you that genraly creepy fell and its realy good and then well thats bassicly the god about the game the gameplay....In siren you will have this gift to see threw the eyes of your enimies to tell where there going.and in the missions as your trying to know what to do you will have to hide from your enimies and then you can try to kill them but its better jsut to hide and then after you beat a level you go on to the next and then you have to play that level again and again and again and its so boring i just wanted to stab the dist with a fork then lite it on fire ........

wow this is a shor review but the game sucks so bad and i realy can't say anything else.,,...