Siren is very much like Silent Hill but it is the difficulty that throws me off.

User Rating: 7.8 | Forbidden Siren PS2
Gamespot got it right. This game is trial and error. I cannot tell you how many times I died in the game. Its so insanely hard. The gameplay is fun, though. The graphics are beautiful in my opinion. I like the animation on the character's faces. They look real. That town also is so messed up. I do not know what I would do if I were them! The sound is good. The monsters are frightening when you hear them breathing. The story may be confusing at times, but I also thought it was engaging. Ju-on is one of my favorite horror movies, and this game felt just like the movie with all the multiple characters. The voice acting is kinda weird. Japanese looking people that speak with British accents! Hilarious! Now the scare factor in this game is hard to judge. I was mostly scared throughout the game because of the difficulty. This game was scary because I felt so much panic. But yes this game is really really scary. Almost as scary as Silent Hill.