One of the best scary games ever... You can't miss this game!

User Rating: 9 | SIREN: New Translation PS3
If you have courage, and really like horror's game, you cant miss this game... One of the bests ever.
Originally createdto PS2, with a new translate to PS3 it only improved. Sure the graphics is not so good like other top titles of PS3, but dont make bad. Everything is darkness, have no sound, just some steps you can hear, unknown noses. Everything to fear more, and more!
On history, you control a lot of characters, and everyone is good,every with your style and personality. For exemplo, when you are the little girl you have to hide all the time, it make scary more intensive than never, cause you not have haw to fight, if some Xibito (zoombie in japan) take you, it's over.
Have some times you hidden, and pass a xibito in you face, and look around, hunting you, calling you, in this times you can hear you heart, tuto tuto tuto.... It's really awesomme!!!!
this game is so diferent, cause you haven't super strong, or is very fast or immortal. The only power you have just help you to hide, and scape, you can see with the xibito's eyes, and with this, know where he is, and fron where he is going, very useful...

How I said before, if like horror games, dont miss this game, the more scared that I know...