Want to take a trip to Hanuda?

User Rating: 9 | SIREN: New Translation PS3
If you have played siren and siren 2 on the playstation 2 you will be familar with the intense atmosphic erie gameplay the siren series is.The third game delivers more this would have to be the best horror game on the ps3 to date and Siren New Translastion is a must buy for hardcore survival horror fans.Shibitos are creepy and the game's atmosphere is disturbing.Even with a good sneaky takedown,many of the Shibito will come back to life after some time and proceed to stalk you.You can play as many episodes as you wish in sequence,but the more bite-sized structure provides an excuse to take a break every once in a while.With the game becoming progressively creepier and freakier,the breaks will probably be needed.Some flaws from the previous siren games are also gone.Give it sometime and you'll love it.