PS3 look-alike of Silent Hill Series.

User Rating: 8.5 | SIREN: New Translation PS3
Sirens Two:Blood Curse. When I played the demo let me tell you the whole time I played I thought I was going to die. I killed the first two Shibito and then ran into that tunnel with the broken elevator and got mauled. Guess what? I thought it was a last-stand, but there was hope. One of the Shibito, and the only one I killed in two minutes, dropped a point-thirty-eight caliber revolver. I ran all the way across that bridge and because the NPC's are so stupid, I lured them one-by-one and wasted there pathetic life of a zombie/creature/ghost. That's the other thing that I liked. You have no stinking idea of what the hell has happened. You are a guy named Sam and you are a miner who has to find his friends and escape. That's all you know. It is great. So basically its almost life like-what would you do in this type of situation-game. It's a master piece. The only reason I'm giving this game an eight-point-five is becuase it is mostly a good version of Silent Hill. Not Resident Evil. Resident Evil is more puzzle-survival. Sirens and Silent Hill are puzzle-horror.