Short, looks good, nice looking sidekick but not too hard to beat. Nothing new but you can't beat the price!

User Rating: 7.3 | SiN Episodes: Emergence PC
I didn't play the original SIN...if Iwanted to Icould now as they include the original on the CD! I started it but the graphics are sooooo dated. My have things changed. This version looks sweet with the HL2 engine and the environments are fun but boring. Enemies are smarter it seems...they wiill come after you and work in teams. Late in the game that makes for some intense battles as chaingun weilding heavies work with the grunts to take you down.
Of course they leave you hanging (I won't spoil it) but let's say your cutie of a sidekick is elying on you to save the day. Prior to that she's pretty good with the firepower and she makes funny noises when she takes hits. Overall you could do better for more intelligent gameplay but for $20 who can complain!