8 years after the original SiN game, Ritual makes a similar game. Problem is, too much has happened since then.

User Rating: 6 | SiN Episodes: Emergence PC
Have you tried a game that starts kind of weak, but slowly grows on you as the story progress, the character become more well-defined and the action sequences are fast but challenging?

Well, SiN Episodes: Emergence is not one of those games.

SiN proves that the old formula of shooting people and fighting monsters could have worked - if they've tried to add some story and variation to it, they might even have a decent shooter. Unfortunately SiN falls into the pitfall of FPS routines and clichés to such a degree, that you have to look twice at the source engine graphics to convince yourself that this is actually 2006.

And what about the graphics? Besides the trademark Source engine water and character faces, the graphics in SiN has a distinct lack of style compared to its big brother, Half Life 2. Especially the model and object design of this game feels somewhat flat. This is by no means an ugly game, but its not at the level of neither Half Life 2 nor any of the other recent visceral FPS games.

Add in the repetive nature of the gunfights (reload, shoot, dodge, get hurt, heal etc.) with no real breaks throughout the game, and you have a fairly sub-standard shooter. It even has some Doom 3 reminiscent gunfights, where bad guys lurk at corners too shoot you in the back. A trait that can get tiresome - even in this short game.

The story is so uninspired that you can guess all major plot points 10 minutes into the game. Well, lets just say that the old SiN didn't exactly excel in the story department, and this game is by no means any better. Its like playing a Steven Seagal movie: No twists, no surprises.

On a more positive note this game is good value, as it is bundled with the original SiN which is a moderate shooter.. if you can look past its dated graphics. In the beginning of SiN Episodes: Emergence the gunfights are rather amusing (until they get repetive) and the source engine provides physics for some fun moments. But all in all, this is not recommended for the discerning player.


I really wanted to like this game, but having played through tons of similar games with more modern and refined gameplay, SiN Episodes: Emergence feels like a tour de force to Christmas Past, leaving all the presents unopened.